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Rebecca Evans TD 7909

Fairer council tax for Wales

Council tax in Wales is set to be made fairer under new plans put forward by the Welsh Government.

Rebecca Evans TD 7909

Evolving approach to gender budgeting in Wales

The Welsh Government has outlined its approach to gender budgeting, with pilots and research helping to create a gender equal Wales.

150622 FISC

Cost of living top of the agenda for Finance Ministers

Finance Ministers across the UK met in Cardiff today, with how to support people and businesses with soaring bills dominating discussion.

13.06.22 PMusic visit photo 1 - Matt Horwood

Instrument contract with added social value is music to Finance Minister’s ears

Finance and Local Government Minister Rebecca Evans visited a workshop in Merthyr today to see carbon neutral plastic trombones being assembled for Wales’s 7yr olds.

Welsh Government

Appointment of New Member to the Local Democracy and Boundary Commission for Wales announced

Minister for Finance and Local Government Rebecca Evans has today announced the appointment of Dianne Bevan as member of the Local Democracy and Boundary Commission for Wales.


£150 cost of living payments arrive with more than 330,000 households

More than £50m has been provided to Welsh households to help tackle the cost of living crisis, through a £150 cost of living payment that has already reached 332,710 homes.


£380m to help tackle the Cost-of-Living crisis in Wales

With the Office for Budget Responsibility stating that 2022-2023 will see the biggest fall in living standards in the UK since records began and as the National Insurance rise and the energy price cap lift push people further into hardship, Minister for Social Justice, Jane Hutt and Minister for Finance and Local Government, Rebecca Evans, have set out the package of support that the Welsh Government have developed to help the most vulnerable in society and called for more action from the UK Government.

Winter Fuel

Threadbare Spring Statement lets down people struggling with rising cost of living

Welsh Government Finance Minister Rebecca Evans has said the Spring Statement has let down people struggling with the rising costs of living.

Rebecca Evans TD 7909

Call for cost of living support in Spring Statement

The Welsh Government has said the upcoming Spring Statement must be used to provide meaningful action to tackle the cost of living crisis.

Rebecca Evans TD 7909

Formal support package for Merthyr County Borough Council to end following progress made

Welsh Government Finance and Local Government Minister Rebecca Evans has announced today that support provided to Merthyr County Borough Council since 2019 will come to a close at the end of the month in light of the progress made by the Council, while recognising there is more improvement work to be done by the authority.   

Welsh Government

Lowest income Welsh households to receive the largest share of funding from the cost of living response

The £330m cost of living support package in Wales will see the most support going to households with the least, according to new analysis.

Climate Change Minister with Rhiw Cefn Gwlad resident Penny Hoey

New tax rules for second homes

The Welsh Government has announced an increase to the maximum level of council tax premiums for second homes, as well as new local tax rules for holiday lets.