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2803 items found, showing page 207 of 234

KW Kirsty Williams - Speech

“Situation for schools will not change on June 1st”, Education Minister says

“The situation for schools in Wales will not change on June 1st.” That was the message from Education Minister Kirsty Williams today. 

Conwy Castle bridge Rainbow

Diary Marker – Lighting up Wales’ Historic Sites

8pm Thursday 7 May

E -Coronavirus - Transport

Councils challenged to change Wales’ transport environment during coronavirus lockdown

Local authorities are being invited to transform Wales’ transport system with measures such as temporary cycle lanes, pavement widening and speed restrictions – considering examples introduced in places like Milan and Berlin in response to quieter roads.

Welsh Government

Stay Home and Save Lives this Bank Holiday weekend

This bank holiday weekend, please stay home and save lives.


Economic Resilience Fund support reaching businesses quickly

Almost £65m of applications have now been processed from the Welsh Government’s Economic Resilience Fund, the Minister for Economy, Transport and North Wales, Ken Skates has revealed.


Volunteers producing thousands of vital scrubs for healthcare heroes

More than 100 volunteers are producing much needed medical scrubs for Wales’ healthcare heroes in the NHS with material provided by the Welsh Government, First Minister Mark Drakeford has revealed.


Open letter thanks nurses in social care for their dedication

Wales’ Chief Nursing Officer has joined other senior figures across the nation, thanking nurses working in social care.

Home shouldn't be a place of fear logo-2

Minister launches ‘Home shouldn’t be a place of fear’ campaign with a message to victims of domestic abuse: Support is available, you are not alone

The Deputy Minister and Chief Whip, Jane Hutt, today launched a new campaign to make sure victims and survivors of domestic abuse know they are not alone, and that they can access support through the coronavirus outbreak and beyond.

Volunteering pic

Minister Jane Hutt praises Wales’ volunteer effort as Carmarthenshire field hospitals recruit 360 volunteers in just 24 hours

As Wales considers the future of lockdown, Deputy Minister and Chief Whip Jane Hutt has praised Wales’ volunteers, and urged others to get involved as their services will be needed more than ever in the months to come.


Cardiff teacher organising production of thousands of vital scrubs for healthcare heroes

A Cardiff textiles teacher is putting her expertise to use during the coronavirus lockdown by helping co-ordinate the production of thousands of much needed medical scrubs for Wales’ healthcare heroes in the NHS by volunteers.

Welsh Government

Support for Business Improvement Districts to help town centres announced

The Welsh Government will support Business Improvement Districts (BIDs) in Wales with their running costs for up to three months, Deputy Minister for Housing and Local Government, Hannah Blythyn has announced.

Coronavirus E

Wales BAME Covid-19 health advisory group takes a cross-Government approach

In response to growing evidence and concern that the COVID-19 infection is having a disproportionate adverse impact on Black, Asian and Minority Ethnic (BAME) people, the Welsh Government BAME Covid-19 health advisory group met for the second time today.