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Welsh Government

Shielding people can meet others and exercise outdoors

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Changes to advice for people shielding from coronavirus are being introduced from Monday 1 June, Minister for Health and Social Services Vaughan Gething has announced today.

E Coronavirus rail support

Up to £65m set aside to keep Wales’ railway running

The Welsh Government has announced it will spend up to £65m over the next 6 months to ensure train services continue to operate on the Wales and Borders network for key workers and others that rely on the train to travel.

KW presser

Education Minister’s ‘deep concern’ over UK Government’s student number controls proposals

Welsh Education Minister Kirsty Williams has today (Friday, May 29) written to England's Minister of State for Universities expressing a ‘deep concern’ over plans to announce the UK Government’s intention to introduce temporary student number controls in response to the COVID-19 pandemic.

FM Press Conference Camera 2

Stay Local to Keep Wales Safe: Changes to the lockdown announced

Plans to allow family and friends to meet outside have been unveiled by First Minister Mark Drakeford as the strict stay-at-home coronavirus regulations are eased in Wales.

Paramedic with defibrillator

Wales' critical care for coronavirus in numbers

Critical care has played a crucial - and often life-saving - role in the treatment of people who have been seriously ill after contracting coronavirus in Wales.

The NHS staff working in critical care units in hospitals across Wales are specialists in their field, providing round-the-clock expert care to very sick and injured people.

Welsh Government

Welsh Government announce new £20m fund to transform homelessness services and ensure no-one need return to rough sleeping

Housing and Local Government Minister Julie James has announced new funding of up to £20m to help ensure that no-one in emergency shelter during the coronavirus crisis has to return to the streets or unsuitable accommodation.


£640m reaches businesses in £2.4bn Welsh Government Covid-19 response

The Finance Minister Rebecca Evans will set out the extraordinary steps the Welsh Government has taken to dedicate more than £2.4bn to the coronavirus crisis when the supplementary budget is published later today.

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Welsh Government launches risk assessment to support BAME workers

A new risk assessment is today being launched to support people from BAME backgrounds in the NHS and social care in Wales.

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New £150,000 fund to help digital firms develop technology to combat coronavirus

The Welsh Government has announced a £150,000 fund for healthcare firms to find new ways to use digital technology to combat coronavirus.


‘Don’t wait if you have a housing problem – get help now’ says Julie James

As a new Welsh Government digital campaign begins on Housing Advice during Covid-19, Housing Minister, Julie James, has called on the people of Wales to seek help now if they’re experiencing housing issues.

Welsh Government

Supporting the tourism Industry as visitors are asked to visit Wales. Later.


As another bank holiday approaches Minister for the Economy, Transport and North Wales, Ken Skates has been urging people to stay home and stay local.