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7 items found

EMA visit 1

Thousands more learners to receive financial support through Education Maintenance Allowance

Thousands more post 16 learners in colleges and sixth forms will receive the Education Maintenance Allowance following a Welsh Government decision to uplift the household income thresholds resulting in more families being able to apply.

PO 130125 DFM Cardiff Uni 21

More than £20m to help universities tackle climate change. Loan funding will help universities reach low carbon ambitions

Deputy First Minister Huw Irranca-Davies and Minister for Further and Higher Education, Vikki Howells, visited Cardiff University to see how a £12.2m investment is accelerating their progress towards carbon reduction.

coleg gwent deaf club and Minister for Further and higher education

Deaf students take centre stage at Coleg Gwent

At Coleg Gwent a group of hearing-impaired learners are developing independent life skills through individually tailored support.

Vikki Howells MS Minister for Further and Higher Education (Landscape)

More support for students and Further and Higher Education institutions

Increased financial support for students and an additional £20 million investment are part of package of support for the further and higher education sectors.

St Giles Cymru visit

Unique Welsh learning exchange programme opening up a world of opportunity

Adult learners and mentors from St Giles Cymru have travelled to Norway to benefit from a learning exchange journey funded through the Taith programme.

Welsh History pic

History in the making – work on Welsh History Timeline begins

 “Our history has shaped the country we are today, it’s vital that young people learn about our rich and diverse heritage at school”. The Minister for Further and Higher Education, Vikki Howells today (22nd October) announced work has started to create the new Welsh History Timeline, which will include resources and information for teachers and practitioners.

Vikki Howells MS Minister for Further and Higher Education (Landscape)

Minster for Further and Higher Education outlines aims for Post 16 education

The Minister for Further and Higher education, Vikki Howells has today (15th October) set out her aims and objectives in her newly created ministerial role, with an emphasis on collaboration, cooperation and community.