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FM Press Conference Camera 1

Phased easing of Covid restrictions to continue – First Minister

Wales will complete the move to alert level zero on 28 January, First Minister Mark Drakeford confirmed today, unless the public health situation changes for the worse.

First Minister

Plan to ease alert level two protections announced

A plan to return Wales to alert level zero measures will today be set out by First Minister Mark Drakeford.

FM Press Conference Camera 2

First Minister of Wales to set out plans to ease restrictions

The First Minister will tomorrow (Friday) set out how Wales plans to move back to alert level zero if the public health situation continues to improve.

2201 Rocio --3

New Children’s Commissioner for Wales announced

The First Minister has announced the appointment of Rocio Cifuentes as the new Children’s Commissioner for Wales.

FM Press Conference Camera 1

People asked to keep Wales safe as alert level 2 measures stay in place

First Minister Mark Drakeford has asked people to keep taking steps to protect each other and keep Wales safe from the wave of omicron cases.


First Minister's New Year Message

During his New Year message, the First Minister said

FM xmas 2021 STILL

First Minister of Wales’ 2021 Christmas message

In his Christmas message Mark Drakeford says:

FM Wales 1

Strengthened measures to keep Wales safe as omicron strikes

New measures will be introduced from 6am on Boxing Day to help keep Wales safe.

Prince Philip Hospital

Two new operating theatres to be built at Prince Philip Hospital in effort to tackle surgical waiting lists

Work has begun to build two new operating theatres at Prince Philip Hospital in Llanelli in a bid to tackle surgical waiting lists and ease pressures across the region.

Welsh Government

New advice to keep Wales safe this Christmas

The First Minister will today set out a two-phase plan to respond to the current delta variant and the new, fast-moving, easily-transmissible omicron variant, which is expected to be the dominant form of the virus in the UK by the end of the month.

FM Christmas Card 2021

Christmas card competition winner announced by First Minister

First Minister Mark Drakeford has announced Taliesin Bryant, a year six pupil at Llannon Primary in Llanelli, as the winner of his annual Christmas card competition.

FM Wales 1

First Minister outlines ambitious aim to offer all eligible adults a booster appointment by end of year

First Minister Mark Drakeford will tonight set out Wales’ aim to offer all eligible adults an appointment for a booster vaccine by the end of December.