19 items found, showing page 1 of 2

Bowel screening age lowered to 50 in Wales
Thousands more people will automatically receive at-home bowel screening tests to help save more lives.

£7.7m to support burns centre to save more lives
Health Secretary Mark Drakeford has today confirmed £7.7m to upgrade the Welsh Centre for Burns and Plastic Surgery as it marks its 30th anniversary.

Cabinet Secretary response to latest NHS Wales performance data: June and July 2024
Cabinet Secretary for Health and Social Care Mark Drakeford, said:

Eluned Morgan becomes Wales’ first female First Minister
Eluned Morgan has today been confirmed as Wales’ new First Minister – the first female First Minister in Wales’ history.

An Eisteddfod for all
Thousands benefit from a scheme to make the Eisteddfod accessible to all

Welsh Government response to latest NHS Wales performance data: May and June 2024
The Welsh Government has responded to the latest NHS performance data published today. A spokesperson said:

New vaccine could save 1,000 babies from hospitalisation every year in Wales
Health Secretary Eluned Morgan has today announced the rollout of a new vaccination programme to protect against a common but potentially dangerous respiratory infection.

Welsh Government response to latest NHS Wales performance data: April and May 2024
The Welsh Government has responded to the latest NHS performance data published today. A spokesperson said:

Paperless clinic and kits to reduce medicine waste winners at NHS Awards
Healthcare professionals have been awarded for their successes in making NHS services more environmentally friendly at the Welsh Sustainability Awards 2024.

Thousands more now getting the right urgent and emergency care, in the right place, the first time
More than 200,000 people accessed new NHS services developed through the Welsh Government's pioneering Six Goals programme as an alternative to emergency department care or admission to hospital last year.

Welsh Government response to latest NHS Wales performance data: March and April 2024
The Welsh Government has responded to the latest NHS performance data published today.

New plan to reduce deaths caused by infections resistant to antibiotics
Everyone must play their part in preventing one of the world’s biggest killers, Wales’ Chief Medical and Veterinary Officers have said as they launch the next stage of a 20-year plan to reduce resistance to antibiotics