29 items found, showing page 3 of 3

Over £7m in funding to extend online mental health service
The Deputy Minister for Mental Health and Wellbeing Lynne Neagle has confirmed an additional £7.7m in funding to continue providing SilverCloud Wales - the free online mental health support tool for a further three years. The work will be overseen by Powys Teaching Health Board.

£13m boost for new plan to reduce and prevent obesity in Wales
Reducing inequalities will be at the heart of the Welsh Government’s Healthy Weight: Healthy Wales Delivery Plan for 2022-24, supported by a £13m investment.

Mental health programme Time to Change Wales extended by three years
A campaign to help people to talk about mental health and to end discrimination has received an additional £1.4m to extend the programme by three years, Welsh Government Ministers have announced today.

New look online support launched providing mental health support for young people
An online resource dedicated to helping young people aged between 11 and 25 to access mental health support has been relaunched to include new information and advice.

£1m bereavement fund announced to support new national framework to help those grieving
Bereavement is something that will touch us all at some point in our lives, working with charities and third sector organisations a new National Framework for the Delivery of Bereavement Care in Wales has been developed, underpinned by a £1m support grant.