6 items found

Welsh Government beats peatland targets a year early, saving more than 8,000 tonnes of carbon every year
Welsh peatlands are on the road to recovery thanks to a Welsh Government-funded action programme smashing its targets ahead of time.

Another year of high-quality bathing water standards for Wales
Wales again secured high-quality results in 2023 with 98% of designated bathing waters meeting our stringent environmental standards.

Single use plastic ban comes into force as Welsh Government strives to reach net zero
A number of singles use plastics have been banned from being supplied in Wales today (Monday, October 30).

One month to go before single use plastics ban is introduced in Wales
There is one month to go before a number of single use plastic items will be banned from being sold across Wales.

Higher payment rates announced for farmers creating woodland
The Welsh Government is calling on all farmers in Wales to help tackle the climate emergency by planting trees as higher payment rates for woodland creation are confirmed today (Thursday, May 25).

Welsh Government seeks ‘greater access to the countryside for all’ as new members to Brecon Beacons National Park Authority are sworn in
Welsh Government has appointed four new expert members to the Brecon Beacons National Park Authority including from Black, disability and LGBTQi+ backgrounds to ensure its plans ‘represent all voices’ and that action to tackle the climate and nature emergencies is taken ‘in togetherness’