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180 items found, showing page 7 of 15

Floventis exhibition

Local Businesses and schools working together to create employment opportunities for young people

New research looking at how businesses can work with schools and colleges to benefit the future prospects of young people, has been welcomed by the Minister for Education and Welsh Language, Jeremy Miles.

Welsh Government

School Essentials Grant opens to support families for next school year

The School Essentials Grant for the next school year is now open, the Minister for Education and Welsh Language Jeremy Miles has announced.

Youth Work Week event performance

Youth Work Week: Over £1 million to help organisations support young people

Education and Welsh Language Minister Jeremy Miles has announced extra financial support for youth work organisations.

Young Person’s Guarantee

Welsh Government supports over 16,000 workers to upskill and retrain during the COVID-19 pandemic

A Welsh Government scheme supported over 16,000 workers to upskill and retrain during the COVID-19 pandemic, new research has shown.

Louie with the owner of Brooklyn Motors Newport crop

New work experience scheme to support young people to achieve their full potential

Young people at risk of leaving education will be provided with meaningful work experience as part of efforts to ensure they reconnect with their education, Minister for Education and Welsh Language, Jeremy Miles has announced today.

Jeremy Miles - Minister for Education and Welsh Language - May 2021 portrait

National effort needed to increase school attendance post pandemic – Education Minister says

A national effort is needed to support the 1 in 5 children who are regularly missing school, the Minister for Education and Welsh Language, Jeremy Miles has said today.

Welsh Government

Free holiday food provision for eligible learners this may half term

Free school meal holiday provision will be available to children from lower income families this May half term.

Minister for Education and Welsh Language talking to learners at Coleg Cambria

£4m funding boost for Further Education mental health and wellbeing support

All Further Education colleges are to benefit from a share of £4m funding for mental health and wellbeing support, the Minister for Education and Welsh Language, Jeremy Miles has announced at a visit to Coleg Cambria during Mental Health Awareness Week.  

School reading

New pilot primary school reading mentoring programme announced

Ten primary schools from across Wales will take part in a new pilot programme to help support reading and literacy, the Minister for Education and Welsh Language, Jeremy Miles has announced.

Welsh Government

Universal Primary Free School Meals moves on to its second course

£70 million in funding will support the next stage in the expansion of free school meals in all primary schools in Wales, the Minister for Education has announced today.

Higher Education university students stock

Wales retains fairer student loan repayment system

The Minister for Education and Welsh Language has announced Wales will retain our current fairer and progressive student finance repayment system, despite changes made in England.

uniform 1

“Make uniforms cheaper” says Education Minister

School logos should not be compulsory, the Education and Welsh Language Minister Jeremy Miles has announced as he publishes new statutory guidance today (Tuesday May 2nd)