Welsh Government wants your views on 14 to 16 learning under the Curriculum for Wales
Hoffai Llywodraeth Cymru gael eich barn ar ddysgu 14-16 o dan y Cwricwlwm i Gymru
Numeracy? Literacy? Life Skills? Advice on what to do next? Welsh Government invites parents to give their views on what 14-16 year olds should learn.
The views of parents and carers are critical in ensuring that children leave school with the right mix of knowledge, skills and abilities to go on to further education or the workplace , the Education Minister has said today as he launched a consultation on the 14 to 16 Learner Entitlement.
This consultation represents the next significant step in the rollout of a new curriculum in Wales. Primary schools and years 7 and 8 in secondary schools have begun teaching the new curriculum, year 9 will follow this September. As rollout reaches year 10 from 2025, where pupils choose to specialise in certain subjects for qualifications, there must also be a focus on the wider learning and preparation they need as they come to take their next steps into education or employment.
Under the Curriculum for Wales, pupils benefit from learning that supports them to become confident and creative, with the life skills and knowledge needed to help them reach their potential. They learn to apply academic skills to real-world problems.
The Minister recently visited Ysgol Coedcae in Llanelli, who are using the new curriculum to provide young people with the necessary tools to develop financial literacy. This includes calculating percentages in maths lessons and applying this to payments on loans from high interest loan companies.
The Minister for Education and Welsh Language, Jeremy Miles, said: “We want young people at 16 to be ready for their first step into adult life. The 14 to 16 Learner Entitlement must include the learning and support pupils need for life outside the classroom, as well as the qualifications they need to progress.
“The Curriculum for Wales gives schools the flexibility they didn’t have before to help pupils reach their full potential. We’re looking for views from parents and carers in particular on what kinds of learning and experiences pupils need to benefit from alongside their qualifications. These will add to the views of businesses and further education providers with whom these learners will then take the next steps in their development.”
Looking afresh at the needs for 14-16 year olds has already been welcomed by the further education sector, with whom the Welsh Government has worked closely to ensure that the new Curriculum aligns with future needs and demands.
Colegau Cymru Chief Executive David Hagendyk said: “There is plenty of evidence showing how important it is for learners in Years 10 and 11 to have access to the information and support they need to prepare for the transition to post-16 education.
“The consultation rightly recognises that this is an area where we need to make more progress and it is important that colleges and schools work together in partnership to support all learners.”