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Social Justice Secretary pays tribute to fallen police officers

Yr Ysgrifennydd Cyfiawnder Cymdeithasol yn talu teyrnged i swyddogion heddlu a fu farw

Social Justice Secretary Jane Hutt will be in Glasgow today to pay tribute to police officers from Wales and across the UK who have been killed or have died on duty.

National Police Memorial Day is an important annual event held to remember the thousands of officers throughout the UK who have lost their lives.

The commemoration which recognises their commitment and bravery was held in Cardiff last year.

The Welsh Government’s Cathays Park building will be lit in blue this evening to mark National Police Memorial Day.

Social Justice Secretary Jane Hutt will attend a service in Glasgow today and ahead of it said: “Each day police officers in Wales, and throughout the UK, demonstrate their dedication to duty and courage to protect us all.

“Every year since 2004, National Police Memorial Day has been a day to recall the sacrifices made by officers, across the generations, in the line of duty.

“Today, as with previous years, provides an important opportunity to pay tribute to them and show our commitment that they will never be forgotten.

“It is an honour for me to be in Glasgow for this year’s event to remember and honour the officers who are no longer with us.”