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Cabinet Secretary for Culture and Social Justice, Lesley Griffiths

New vision for volunteering will help sector flourish

Gweledigaeth newydd ar gyfer gwirfoddoli i helpu'r sector i ffynnu

The Welsh Government is committed to supporting volunteering in Wales and developing a new vision to help the sector prosper into the future.

This is the message from the Cabinet Secretary for Culture and Social Justice, Lesley Griffiths as she thanks the thousands of volunteers across Wales during Volunteers' Week 2024 (3-9 June).

The week provides an important opportunity to recognise the hard work of all those who give up their time for free to help others.

How and why people volunteer is changing, and the Cabinet Secretary says new and innovative approaches to help third sector organisations attract and retain volunteers will be underpinned by a new and progressive vision to drive volunteering in Wales.

The Volunteering Cross-Sector Leadership Group, established through the Third Sector Partnership Council, will lead on developing a vision over the coming 12 months.

The group will co-design a new approach to volunteering in Wales to give a unifying and uniquely Welsh vision for volunteering in Wales and a framework for delivering it. 

Over the coming months the co-design process, including through surveys and workshops, will provide everyone who wants to the opportunity to help shape the future of volunteering.

Cabinet Secretary for Culture and Social Justice, Lesley Griffiths said: “Volunteers are at work around Wales every day and night of the year and I thank them deeply for everything they continue to do for the benefit of the people and communities they help.

“As a government, we are committed to the sector, and we want to encourage more people to volunteer because there are countless ways in which we all depend on the simple acts of kindness and mutual help.

“We know there are challenges the sector faces, including in recruiting and retaining volunteers, and this comes at a time of increasing demand for their services.

“The new vision for volunteering will be crucial in helping the sector prosper and more details will be provided on how to get involved in designing the vision so people can continue to offer their invaluable support to others.”