Economy Minister announces major investment to support Wales’ exports
Gweinidog yr Economi yn cyhoeddi buddsoddiad sylweddol i gefnogi allforion Cymru.
Addressing the “Explore Export Wales” annual conference, Economy Minister Vaughan Gething will announce the Welsh Government’s full export support programme for 2023/24 and an investment of £4m to deliver it.
The Minister will reflect on the progress made over the last year to deliver the Welsh Government Export Action Plan for Wales, and ambitious plans for the coming new financial year.
The Export Action Plan is a key part of the Programme for Government. The Plan commits the Welsh Government to continuing to deliver a comprehensive range of export programmes, working with the wider ‘export eco-system’, to support businesses at all stages of their export journey, from:
- inspiring businesses to export
- building export capability
- finding overseas customers; and
- accessing overseas markets.
A number of successful Welsh exporters – Welsh Government Export Exemplars – showcased their export journey at the Explore Export Wales conference, to highlight the importance of exporting to their business growth. The Export Exemplar programme highlights the successes of Welsh small and medium enterprises (SMEs) who already export, to inspire others to take up the export journey. One of those businesses that has seen success is Atlantic Service Company (ASC) in Blackwood. The company has seen huge growth in the last ten years and moved to a new site in the summer 2022. This growth has come about almost exclusively through exports and the company now sells to over 50 countries across every continent.
ASC is continuing to encourage businesses to work with Welsh Government’s export team and the Welsh Government Minister for Economy formally opened the company’s new facility yesterday.
Announcing the support for Welsh exporters, Economy Minister Vaughan Gething said:
“Exporting is vital for many of our businesses, and the Welsh Government is committed to supporting them to expand and succeed through our Export Action Plan.
“Through our Plan, we are delivering a broad range of support to businesses in Wales to drive growth in exports in the longer term, despite the ongoing challenges in the global trading environment.
“I am pleased to announce this multi-million pound investment to continue to support Welsh businesses to develop their exports, given the importance of exporting to business growth and the economy as a whole.
“I was also very pleased to formally open the new facility at Atlantic Service Company yesterday and their export growth and success is a real inspiration for other businesses across Wales. I’m delighted to have them on board as one of our Export Exemplars. I urge current and potential exporters to get in touch with the Welsh Government’s Export Team, through Business Wales, to see how we can help their businesses too.”
Martin Hughes, Managing Director of Atlantic Service Company, said:
“Due to large levels of growth, in the past ten years especially, Atlantic Service Company outgrew our original home of forty years and moved to our new premises during 2022.
The new site is three times the size of the previous home and our growth has come about almost exclusively through exports.
“I would recommend any company in Wales that is thinking about exporting to get in touch with Welsh Government. We would not have grown so quickly as a company if it weren’t for their support.”
The Welsh Government’s 2023/24 export programme includes a series of overseas trade events, primarily built around key international trade shows aligned with the priority export sectors for Wales. The new programme of Welsh Government supported overseas trade events include:
- 25-27 April – JEC Paris, France
- 18-20 April – MRO Americas, Atlanta, USA
- 13-19 May – Export Market Visit to Doha, Qatar
- 3-9 June – Bio International Convention and Export Market Visit to Boston, USA
- 5-9 June – Money 20/20 Europe, Amsterdam, The Netherlands
- 19-25 June – Paris Air Show, Paris, France
- 30 September - 6 October – ADIPEC and Export Market Visit to Abu Dhabi, UAE
- 14-21 October – Export Market Visit to Tokyo, Japan
- 17-19 October – MRO Europe, Amsterdam, The Netherlands
- 13-16 November – MEDICA, Dusseldorf, Germany
- November – New Exporter Programme, Amsterdam, The Netherlands
- 27 November - 1 December – World Nuclear Exhibition, Paris, France
- 27 January - 2 February 2024 – Arab Health and Export Market Visit to Dubai, UAE
- 24 February - 2 March – Export Market Visit to Sydney, Australia
- March – GDC & Export Market Visit to San Francisco, USA
Notes to editors
WG Export Support (general):
- WG recognises the importance of exports to the Welsh economy and our Programme for Government commits us to implementing our ambitious Export Action Plan.
- Through our Plan, we are delivering a broad range of support to businesses in Wales to drive growth in exports in the longer term, despite the ongoing challenges in the global trading environment.
- This includes supporting eligible businesses at all stages of their export journey, including through our dedicated ‘on-the ground’ support and advice accessed via Business Wales and delivered by our team of International Trade Advisers based across Wales.
- As part of our efforts to inspire a culture of exporting and internationalisation amongst Welsh businesses, our Export Exemplar campaign is showcasing the successes of a number [currently 24, including ASC] of experienced Welsh exporters to encourage others to export.
- To develop export capability, we are delivering activities including webinars and online training and advice on exports; as well as delivering our Export Cluster initiative which brings together over 280 companies in 6 key sectors to develop strong networks of support, working on a “one-to-many” basis to support export development, helping to ensure companies learn from each other and share knowledge and experience.
- We are helping businesses to find new customers in key international markets, supported by WG’s overseas network as well as key in-market partners.
- We provide support businesses to visit key markets, either supporting them to travel independently, as part of a WG-organised trade mission, or attending an international trade exhibition.
- Our team delivered 22 trade missions and visits last year, and I have seen first-hand the benefits of our businesses taking part in our missions and meeting potential customers in person and flying the flag for Welsh business internationally.