Young people to ask the questions in Welsh Government press conference
Pobl ifanc i ofyn y cwestiynau yng nghynhadledd i’r wasg Llywodraeth Cymru
Children and young people will today for the first time ask the opening questions in the Welsh Government’s daily press conference to the Education Minister, Kirsty Williams.
Young people from Wales have submitted questions in response to an invitation from the Children’s Commissioner for Wales, Professor Sally Holland.
Every weekday at 12:30pm, the Welsh Government hosts its daily press conference for the media, focusing on issues around the coronavirus. The Education Minister will hold today’s conference, prior to next Monday, when schools across Wales will begin to welcome back pupils to ‘check in, catch up and prepare’ for the summer and September.
Journalists’ questions will follow the children’s questions.
Kirsty Williams said:
“We’re at a crucial time for children and young people in Wales, as pupils return from next week to catch up with their classmates and their teachers. This will be the first time many will have seen each other since March.
“Ordinarily, throughout the school year I have the opportunity to travel to schools across Wales and meet pupils and staff face-to-face, to hear directly about the issues affecting them and their education.
“It’s disappointing that I’ve been unable to do that recently, so I’m really pleased to field questions from some budding young journalists today!”
Professor Holland said:
“Earlier this month I published the results from my Coronavirus and Me survey, where nearly 24,000 children and young people shared their views on living through the pandemic. The findings from that report showed to me that now, more than ever, children need to be listened to and those who work for them held to account.
“I’m pleased that the Welsh Government has taken decisive action to enable children and young people from across Wales to hold them to account during this pivotal time. I hope children and young people can see that their views and opinions are critical in shaping how Wales takes its next tentative steps out of lockdown.”