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Welsh Government's Road Review

Adolygiad Ffyrdd Llywodraeth Cymru

The results of the Welsh Government’s Roads Review Panel will be made public on Tuesday 14th February 2023.

Deputy Climate Change Minister Lee Waters will set the direction for the future of transport in Wales in the Senedd as he sets out some key documents, including the findings of the Roads Review Panel – an independent expert group tasked with assessing more than 50 road building projects – and the Welsh Government’s National Transport Delivery Plan. Together, the documents show projects that will be progressing over the next five years and what the future of road building in Wales will look like.

Notes to editors


The roads review was announced by the Deputy Minister in June 2021 - freezing all road building projects.

An independent panel was then created and tasked with reviewing the projects considered part of the review.

The panel, led by transport consultant Dr Lynn Sloman MBE, presented its findings to Welsh Government in September 2022. They will be made public at approximately 2.45pm You can watch live here: