Updated Covid-19 testing strategy for Wales published
Cyhoeddi strategaeth brofi ddiweddaraf COVID-19 ar gyfer Cymru
A revised and updated coronavirus testing strategy has been published today (Thursday 28 January) by Health Minister Vaughan Gething.
The original testing strategy was published in July 2020 and has been revised in light of our greater understanding of the virus, the development of new testing technology and the roll-out of our vaccination programme. The new strategy also expands our testing approach to include more regular testing for NHS and care home staff and patients in hospitals.
A community testing framework is also being published today which builds on the pilot schemes in Merthyr Tydfil and Lower Cynon to test asymptomatic people to stop the spread of the virus.
Today’s revised strategy focuses on the following priority areas;
· Test to diagnose - Testing patients on admission to hospital, patients who develop symptoms while in hospital, asymptomatic in-patients five days after admission and planned admissions to protect patients who are at increased risk.
· Test to safeguard - Regular asymptomatic testing for NHS and care home staff, supported living staff, staff working with vulnerable people in special schools, domiciliary care staff and prison staff.
· Test to find - Continuing to test anyone who thinks they have symptoms to identify to isolate Covid-19 cases in the community, reduce the transmission of infection, support contact tracing, protect vulnerable individuals and help to slow or stop the spread of the disease.
· Test to maintain - Regular testing of the workforce in various settings to find cases and exploring whether testing of asymptomatic contacts could allow people to safely remain at work or schools instead of isolating for 10 days. We are currently piloting and evaluating this approach.
· Test to enable – Considering how testing might work alongside vaccination to enable people with a negative result or those who demonstrate the required level of antibodies in their system to travel internationally, attend work or cultural or sporting events or meet family and friends.
Health Minister Vaughan Gething said:
“Testing has continued to play a pivotal role in our overall approach to preventing the transmission of Covid-19 across Wales.
“Since the last strategy was published, new testing technologies have demonstrated it is possible to test at far greater scale, frequency and speed than ever before. Testing remains important as we roll out the vaccine. Once vaccinated, it is still critical that people continue to follow the guidance and if showing symptoms, get tested.
“Today I’m setting out our revised approach so we can continue to safeguard our most vulnerable people and protect the NHS. The strategy also looks ahead at how we can use testing as an appropriate and effective safeguard alongside the vaccine as we return to normality.”
Notes to editors
The Testing Strategy has been published here.
The Community Testing Framework has been published here.
We continue to be advised by experts in Public Health Wales and the Testing Technical Advisory Group to ensure the quality and efficacy of testing.
We now have an extensive range of test facilities across the country –https://gov.wales/regional-coronavirus-testing-facilities