Time to raise the bar on Wales’ housing standards
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Climate Change Minister Julie James has today (Tuesday, May 10) announced the upcoming launch of a consultation on proposed new social housing quality standard for Wales.
The Minister said the Welsh Housing Quality Standard 2023 (WHQS 2023) would ‘build on the excellent achievements of its predecessor’ - the standard introduced in 2002.
Since then, the Welsh Government has worked with social landlord delivery partners to invest billions of pounds to significantly improve and maintain the quality of social homes across Wales.
As a result, by the end of 2020, 99 per cent of social housing in Wales met the original WHQS - a standard which is more demanding than in the other home nations.
Speaking in the Senedd, the Minister said: “Reflecting on the levels of achievement of the current standard, I am sure members will agree that, after 20 years, the standard is due to be reviewed, especially to acknowledge the considerable changes to how people live, work and feel about their homes.
“The world has moved on apace in the last 20 years and our expectation of our homes has moved on too.
“The proposed standard aims to be bold but ultimately achievable. We aim with our consultation to ensure that the voice of the sector is taken into account in finalising these standards and getting them right.
“Setting standards is not an easy business at the best of times. It is even more challenging setting standards relating to the decarbonisation of homes - which is a developing area where we are learning what works best on an ongoing basis.
“The £220m committed over this term of government to the Optimised Retrofit Programme, our whole house, pragmatic, approach to decarbonising existing homes will help.
“It will provide some of the answers to how we effectively and efficiently reduce carbon emissions from homes in line with our Net Zero Wales plan.
“However, in the face of the climate change emergency we cannot stand still, and we must continue to push progress and set standards to address decarbonisation through a variety of measures in existing social housing.”
More than 900 tenants have been involved in the development of the new standard and technical elements have been supported by experts who have looked at what else is happening across the UK and the rest of the world.
The Minister added: “I make no apology for proposing what some will see as a bold approach, I am determined the standards bar should be raised again.
“Meeting our Net Zero Wales targets requires us to make determined progress and I believe these standards are fit to take us forward in that regard.
“Our social housing tenants deserve these standards to be the best we can make them.
“My firm hope is that these standards will not only be brought to bear for social housing, but that in the future other tenures may consider how they too might meet and exceed these expectations.”
The proposed WHQS 2023 standards will be published for consultation from Wednesday May 11 and will be open for stakeholders to respond to for 12 weeks.