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Take stock now to build winter resilience

Edrych ar silwair nawr i adeiladu gwytnwch y gaeaf

Now is the time to take stock of the amount of silage required on farm for the winter period.

Support is available from Farming Connect to help famers prepare a winter-feeding strategy and budget for the winter months to ensure maximum profitability over the period.

Following the Extreme Weather Summits held earlier this year in April 2024, and discussions with industry over the summer months, the Cabinet Secretary for Rural Affairs, Huw Irranca-Davies, said: “Our future generations will be farming in much more challenging conditions. We must act today to adapt and mitigate for this - taking steps to build resilience to the potential impacts of climate change.

“Having seen and heard of the extremely difficult circumstances faced by the sector last Winter, we must work proactively and have a clear plan in place.

“Farmers know their land and their farms and it’s important they know about the help that's out there to prepare and support them through the winter.”

GrassCheck GB has identified that grass growth has fallen below the 5-year seasonal average and is considerably lower than this time last year, due to lower air temperatures and lack of sunshine as well as decreasing daylength at this time of year.

Some things to consider may include.

  • prepare a feed budget early for the winter months to ensure maximum profitability over the period. 
  • consider the nutritional requirements of your herd/ flock, making sure livestock have enough feed for maintenance and production. 
  • calculate the nutritional content of the winter feed you have available
  • Use this information to see if you have an energy surplus or deficit which will help  to manage your herd/flock and feed accordingly.

As part of Farming Connect’s Our Farms Network, Roger and Dyddanwy Pugh farm at Crickie Farm, Llangorse, Brecon, has been monitoring grass growth throughout the growing season.  Roger, said: “Grass measuring has enabled us to plan our grazing and silage ground accordingly, and helped us to create a robust Winter Feeding Plan, allowing us to become more resilient to weather shocks.

“This winter, as a result of advice from Farming Connect we have also chosen to grow Fodder Beet as a means of out-wintering cattle to ensure we have enough quality feedstock to carry our cattle through the winter and reduce the need for bought in feed.”

Farmers can determine how much silage stock is required for the winter and get additional advice by accessing the information on Farming Connect. There is a range of support available from technical articles, 1-2-1 surgeries, advisory service and mentoring.

Farmers wishing to access this support should speak to their local development officer or contact the Farming Connect service centre on 03456 000 813.