Senedd approves extension of NHS COVID pass
Y Senedd yn cymeradwyo ehangu’r defnydd o bàs COVID y GIG
Members of the Senedd have approved the extension of the NHS COVID pass to cinemas, theatres and concert halls in Wales.
Following the vote, the Minister for Health and Social Services, Eluned Morgan said:
“I am pleased the extension has been agreed today following the vote. Covid has not gone away and cases remain high and we need to continue take steps to Keep Wales Safe. The NHS COVID Pass is one measure among many to help to keep businesses open while also helping to control the spread of the virus.
“The decision to introduce them has not been taken lightly and the venues that will be covered are indoors and see large numbers of people being closely together for prolonged periods of time.
“Since 11 October, people have been required to show an NHS COVID Pass or recent negative lateral flow test result to enter nightclubs, similar venues and events and the service is working well. We have received positive feedback from a range of businesses and organisers of major events, including following the recent rugby internationals. We will continue to work with the sectors who are implementing the scheme to best support them.”
Following the vote NHS COVID passes will now be needed in cinemas, theatres and concert halls from Monday 15 November.
For further information visit https://gov.wales/get-your-nhs-covid-pass