New programme to help more Welsh firms export globally
Rhaglen newydd i helpu mwy o gwmnïau o Gymru i allforio'n fyd-eang
A new programme to help Welsh firms who have never exported before to sell their products in new international markets is being launched by Wales’ Economy Minister, Vaughan Gething.
The New Exporters Programme, which is one of the new support initiatives being introduced as part of the Welsh Government’s Export Action Plan, will support companies who have either never exported before or have exported intermittently, to sell their goods and services around the world.
Ten companies from a range of sectors across Wales are being recruited to the programme, which will last around 10 months. They will receive intensive support to develop their capacity and capability for exporting, helping them to become regular exporters.
The support will be focused on exporting to the Republic of Ireland initially, which will act as a starter market for the companies taking part. It will include a visit to the market, where companies will meet potential business contacts, with support from the Welsh Government’s Dublin Office. The programme will run on an annual basis.
The programme is a core part of the Welsh Government’s Economic Action Plan, which set Ministers’ commitments to prioritising exports and trade, supporting Welsh exporters to find new markets globally.
It’s also a key part of the Welsh Government’s International Strategy, which reinforced Ministers’ ambitions to raise Wales’ international profile; grow the Welsh economy, including increasing exports; and establishing Wales as a globally responsible nation.
In 2020, firms in Wales exported £13.4 billion worth of goods to markets across the world. Germany was the largest export market, accounting for £2.2 billion (16.0%) of exports. France was the second largest export market, accounting for £1.8 billion (13.7%), followed by the USA, with £1.8 billion (13.4%) and the Republic of Ireland with £1.2 billion (8.8%).
Launching the new programme, Economy Minister, Vaughan Gething said:
“Wales has a long and proud history as an outward looking trading nation. From the coal that helped power the industrial revolution in the 18th and 19th centuries, to high-tech computer chips that power our smartphones and other electronic devices today, the products we export from Wales are used by people around the world.
“As part of our ambitious programme for government for the next five years, we want to support Welsh businesses to find new export markets and create new green jobs in the sustainable green industries of tomorrow.
“Our Export Action Plan is the most ambitious and comprehensive programme of export support ever put in place in Wales. As part of that plan, the New Exporter Programme I’m launching today is designed to help companies who either have never exported before, or have done so on a piecemeal basis, to find those crucial new export markets to sell even more of Wales’ first-class products and services to more people across the globe.
“This is part of our mission to build a Wales with a prosperous, fair, green economy.”
Cardiff-based business, Object Matrix, provides hybrid cloud storage solutions, principally to media organisations. Founded in 2003, the company initially focused on the trade in the UK, but with the explosion in video content creation and distribution, it saw the company diversify its offering, which led to more work in overseas markets. Object Matrix now exports to over 30 markets, making up 55% of its business.
Nick Pearce-Tomenius, co-founder and sales and marketing director at Object Matrix said:
“Exporting has been vital to expanding our company’s success and services worldwide. The support from Welsh Government has helped us to achieve our export success.
“Before the idea of exporting our products and services became a reality we had to start locally before we could think globally. Once we successfully accomplished that aspect of our business, we were able to take things to the next level. I firmly believe that if you can sell your product in Wales, you can sell your product anywhere.”
South Wales-based Atlantic Service Company has been manufacturing high quality bandsaw blades for cutting meat, fish and bread since 1901.
It exports to markets across Europe, Africa, South and Central America, Asia, Indian Subcontinent and Middle East. Exports are a core part of Atlantic Service’s business growth, and the wide range of markets has helped spread the risk against market fluctuations.
Elena Harries, International Sales Manager, Atlantic Service Company said:
“Exporting is core to our business growth, and has helped us become more resilient to market changes. With the help of Welsh Government export support, we have been able to open up new markets in South East Asia, India, Africa, Central & Latin America. Its network of trade advisors has provided invaluable advice and support to enter new markets, and identify new business partners.
“Our aim is to build on this growth and to expand our export business in new markets. It is reassuring that we can access Welsh Government support to help us achieve this.”